application to exhibit
Applications for exhibiting at the 2024 exhibition are now open.
To make an application, exhibitors need to download
- an application form and
- our terms and conditions.

The application form should be downloaded and opened in a pdf reader. It can be filled in electronically and when completed, saved and returned by email to the address given, or printed off and sent by post. The application form must be opened in a pdf reader to allow the form to be filled in electronically.
If you do not have a pdf reader or the reader you have used does not allow the form to be completed and saved, a copy of the adobe acrobat reader can be downloaded (free) by clicking on the adjacent symbol.
The times for returning forms and exhibiting are set out in the exhibition timetable.
Note that if we have more applications that we can display, we will have to return payment and decline the application for those subitted after we have reached capacity. So please put your form in early! At the latest, they must be in by 5pm on Friday 27 September.
Payment for exhibiting is calculated as set out in the form. We prefer that payment is made electronically to our account. If this is not possible we can accept a cheque, although this increases the costs of the association. Details of the account are given on the application form. Please make sure you include your name on the electronic payment as otherwise we will not know if we have revieved payment from you!
We need stewards to help with the exhibition. The last page of the application form allows you to indicate when you can help us - please offer several slots and our stewarding coordinator will be in touch to confim which ones we would like to use.
We look forward to welcoming you, and wish you well at the exhibition.
Updated 12/7/24